Friday, September 4, 2009

Jen and Victor: Spring Lake in September

A beautiful Wednesday afternoon at the beach in Spring Lake, NJ provides the backdrop or Jen and Victor's E-session. A playful sense of adventure and a love that shines through, made this a great shoot and lots of fun images. Thanks Jen and Vic!!

            The Boardwalk at Spring Lake
       Wedding Date Fast approaching!!
                    Surf Kisses!!
At the lake

                             Single life is slip sliding away!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sally and Matthew: Sunday afternoon at Monmouth Battlefield Park

In what has become the standard fair this summer, a cool sunny day provided the backdrop for this shoot. Sally and Matthew were a blast, as we walked from spot to spot along the Revolutionary War Battlefield Park, mugging for the camera among the corn fields, apple trees, and even a lone pumpkin.

                                An apple a day keeps the doctor away!
         Stealing a moment on the same trail as the American Army in 1777

                                  I'm pretty sure this corn is new though...
                                  Romantic moment in the Apple Orchard